Snowflake ProTalk
The Snowflake Remote Control
Many of us have seen or heard about the Snowflake SQL REST API. We often think of this feature as the remote control for Snowflake, which allows you to monitor and interact with Snowflake remotely via an app on your smartphone, embedded with remote IoT systems, or integrated with existing web service applications.
The Snowflake SQL REST API allows you to remotely:
- Submit SQL statements for execution
- Check the status of the execution of a statement
- Cancel the execution of a statement
- Fetch query results concurrently
- Provision users and roles
- Create and manage Snowflake objects
- Kick-off jobs or schedule tasks
In this ProTalk, we will explain how to set up, configure, and use the Snowflake SQL REST API, as well as:
- Interpret your Snowflake account(s) SQL API endpoints
- Become versed in the authentication methods, options, and supported languages
- Execute SQL by submitting a request
- Handling, tracking, and consuming responses
- Working with multiple SQL statements in a single request
- Creating and calling stored procedures
- Error tracking
- Canceling a submitted SQL statement
Episode Highlights:

As Enterprise Data Solutions Architect at INTRICITY, Rich has deployed Snowflake in several dozen Fortune 500 accounts and designs and delivers orchestration, modeling, security and strategy to enable elastic cloud data warehousing.

Jared acts as our Vice President of Emerging Technologies and is the host of our Snowflake ProTalk webinar series. Listed as one of the “Top Marketing Operations Leaders You Should Know” and is the author and creator of our INTRICITY101 video series.

As Executive VP and Co-Founder of INTRICITY, Arkady has over 30 years of experience in engineering, architecting, developing and deploying the most intricate enterprise business solutions in America and Europe. appears invalid. We can send you a quick validation email to confirm it's yours