10 Things You Need to Know
Is your company immature when it comes to data?
Most companies have no clue how to evaluate their data maturity or if they are data-driven, especially compared to their fellow peers in the marketplace. Over several decades, INTRICITY has seen the breadth and depth (and lack thereof) in companies of many industries and they all share major setbacks to developing data maturity.
Join us as we share the 10 things you need to know in order to fully assess the data maturity or immaturity of your company.
You will learn:
- The businesses contribution in a mature data consumption environment
- The processes of mature data management companies
- The technology stacks of mature data-to-information pipelines
- The culture of organizations that is data mature

Jared Hillam acts as our Vice President of Emerging Technologies and is the host of our Snowflake ProTalk webinar series. Listed as one of the “Top Marketing Operations Leaders You Should Know” and is the author and creator of our INTRICITY101 video series.

As our Co-Founder and Executive VP, Arkady Kleyner has over 25 years of experience in developing and deploying the most intricate enterprise business solutions and is considered by many industry experts as the foremost authority in Enterprise Data Management in North America. appears invalid. We can send you a quick validation email to confirm it's yours